The big announcement, okay? Ready? It ain't exciting, trust me....
I'm going back to Towson to get a B.A. in Film Production. Lost story short: I'm chasing the dream I've had since I was in 6th grade.
Aaaaand sooooo.....
I realized that no matter what you major in, know-it-all jerks will ask you, "Well, what are you gonna do with that?" I let that question get to me a few years ago when I was going for a Film Theory degree. They'd ask with a snarl: "And what are you going to do with a Film Theory degree, Nick?"
"Uhhh...write about movies?"
"Are you gonna make a living on that?"
Condescending laughter, of course. Because dressing up in a three-piece suit and having season tickets to the shittiest team in the NFL makes you successful.
JERK: "And what are you going to do with a degree in History/Secondary Education?"
ME: "Uhm....teach history? More specifically, U.S. History? the high school level?"
Condescending laughter, of course. Because you continue to buy season tickets, only to watch the Redskins lose.
It was mid-April when I realized I'd let others guide my decisions for too many years. I was in class when I came to the realization that, however much I love history, I love film more. Further, I was incorporating history into - you guessed it! - ideas for scripts!
Unfortunately for my wallet, the past few months have had me writing the darkest, pieces I've ever written; I doubt much of the stuff I've been working on will sell with the crowd who made Paul Blart: Mall Cop such a blockbuster.
Fortunately for me, however, the stuff I've been working on have allowed me to fight off my demons. The more I wrote about people drinking themselves to death, the more I came to realize that I was drinking myself to death.
The more I wrote about people who had no faith, the more I found faith in myself. And God.
The more I wrote about death, the more I felt the will to live.
The more I wrote about love, the more I realized how I let insecurity and trust issues destroy the true love I had finally found (I still love you).
The more I wrote about self-destruction, the more I understood how self-destructive I had become.
It's late. Good night.
I have about ten movies I need to review and a half-dozen other blog ideas to share, so it's not like I've just been screwing around -- okay, so maybe Eamonn keeps me from getting work done....but screw you guys! That kid is adorable...

....How could you blame me for not getting work done??? The kid's so friggin cute! And he's wearin' a friggin' Batman shirt fer cryin' out loud!! HOW CAN YOU EXPECT ME TO GET WORK DONE!?!?!!??!
(I still love you.)