August 22, 2010

death by basketball

Remember that movie Deadly Friend? I do.

That, my friends, is called cinematic excellence.

August 20, 2010

the greatest thing in the history of ever

Watch this. It's from Intervention. That show is depressing as s*** (and this episode was exceptionally sad), but I'll be damned if this clip doesn't make my dark little heart flutter.

And then there's this guy. You can bet yer arse that this guy is gonna DJ my wedding. As soon as Volushka arrives in the mail. (She's very pretty.)

Finally, the "worst wedding DJ ever." I think this makes him the best, right? I mean...yeah. The best.


So anyway,  some fellas slapped together all this stuff (along with a panda sneezing) and came up with the greatest thing in the history of ever.

And if you don't know the story about the kid from the end, then you need to get with the program.