April 23, 2008

you can't get banged on a dirty mattress in my town and expect to get away with it

I love the internet. All sorts of weirdos and robots and robot weirdos lying in wait to steal your identity or sell you identity theft insurance or someone else's identity. I was working on a paper while basking in my own general malaise when this person IMed me. And I thought I'd have fun with it.

Deepikaharris: Do you like dogs or cats or both. Write soon to chit chat.
Deepikaharris: I don't have a camera, and that sort of thing.
Deepikaharris signed off at 7:40:33 PM.
Deepikaharris is offline and will receive your IMs when signing back in.
nickcolevas: i'm sorry, dont have a camera?
Deepikaharris: Yes. Nevertheless, let's just write. Weather is good today. Just had dinner and looking at the political primaries.
nickcolevas: how did you come upon my screenname if you dont mind me asking?
Deepikaharris: I have no idea. I just started writing.
nickcolevas: ah
Deepikaharris: Okay. Today, I didn't have lunch. I had a bad cup of coffee at a diner that everyone likes. I pretended to like the joe. It was the worst.
nickcolevas: where do you live?
nickcolevas: in MD?
Deepikaharris: in Maryland. Where do you live?
nickcolevas: where in MD?
Deepikaharris: St. Mary's County
nickcolevas: is your screenname your real name?
nickcolevas: that name sounds familiar
Deepikaharris: Yes.
nickcolevas: how long have you lived in MD?
Deepikaharris: Over thirty years. What county do you live in?
nickcolevas: oh
nickcolevas: ok
Deepikaharris: You are not very revealing. Where in Maryland do you reside?
nickcolevas: calvert
Deepikaharris: Do you live and work in Calvert County?
nickcolevas: yeah. you? what do you do?
Deepikaharris: I work in St. Mary's County. I am self-employed. Where have you heard my name? --Note the paranoia.
nickcolevas: it just sounds familiar
nickcolevas: you own your own business?
Deepikaharris: Okay. How old are you?
nickcolevas: i asked you about your business first...haha
Deepikaharris: I contract my work. I work my own schedule and have specific deadlines. Do you mind answering the following: 1. Is your name Nicholas? 2. How old are you? 3. what is your occupation? The reason, just for communication purposes and discretion.
nickcolevas: i'm sorry,...maybe i'm just slow
nickcolevas: discretion?
nickcolevas: i'm 27
nickcolevas: and yes my name is nick
Deepikaharris: Thank you. I appreciate your honesty. I'm just looking forward to this internet communication. That's all. I just wanted to get the perameters of whom I was communicating with.
nickcolevas: ok
nickcolevas: how old are you? and what is your actual job? government?
Deepikaharris: I'm over 40. Yes. Local government.
Deepikaharris: Are you employed? Going to school?
nickcolevas: i work
nickcolevas: i don't go to school anymore
Deepikaharris: Well that's nice that you work. Have you completed school or vocational training?
nickcolevas: are you a robot?
nickcolevas: a 40 year old robot?
Deepikaharris: No. Your comment is absurd.
nickcolevas: i don't buy it
nickcolevas: prove to me you're not a robot
nickcolevas: wait a minute...i know who you are i think
nickcolevas: didn't you go to school with my sister?
nickcolevas: where'd you go to high school?
Deepikaharris: Your form of communication is at a diffferent level. What do you mean did I go to school with your sister? What High School did your sister attend?
nickcolevas: i think that's where i remember your name
Deepikaharris: Your last comment is vague. Where do you remember me from?
nickcolevas: are you the chick that got banged on a dirty mattress in back of Calvert high?
nickcolevas: back in 83?
nickcolevas: or are you with the CIA?
nickcolevas: it's one of those two, i'm sure
Deepikaharris: I never went to Calvert high nor on a dirty mattress. You're on the crude side. For a 27 year old, you sound very impish.
nickcolevas: i was just asking is all
nickcolevas: i may be crude but ma'am i am not rude
nickcolevas: my grandmother taught me that lil ditty
nickcolevas: before she killed herself
nickcolevas: :-(
nickcolevas: so do you like cats?
Deepikaharris: I asked the question first. You answer.
Deepikaharris: What is your last name?
nickcolevas: i'm allergic to cats
Deepikaharris: Good.
nickcolevas: it's not good
nickcolevas: it makes my eyes itch and my skin runny
nickcolevas: do you like cats?
Deepikaharris: I'll remember to have a whole litter of cats so you won't come around.
nickcolevas: well that's plenty mean
nickcolevas: i have a question
nickcolevas: where do you stand in the political spectrum?
Deepikaharris: No. You just have a variance of thoughts in trying to remember people. Especially when things aren't true.
nickcolevas: do you like Mike Huckabee?
nickcolevas: i love Mike Huckabee
Deepikaharris: Tell me about him.
nickcolevas: Mike Huckabee is the new Jesus Christ IMO
nickcolevas: do you like Barack Obama?
Deepikaharris: What is IMO?
nickcolevas: in my opinion
nickcolevas: do you like Barack Obama?
Deepikaharris: Thank you for clarifying the IMO. I like his political issues.
nickcolevas: Tell me about him.
Deepikaharris: Read the newspaper and watch the daily newscast.
nickcolevas: don't be coy with me
Deepikaharris: I asked your last name. Who is coy?
nickcolevas: you are coy.
nickcolevas: but not the good kind of coy
nickcolevas: coyote
Deepikaharris: Oh boy.
nickcolevas: yes
nickcolevas: do you have children?
nickcolevas: my last name is Craven
Deepikaharris: Nicholas Craven? Or is there an underlying pun?
nickcolevas: no there is no pun
nickcolevas: that is my name
Deepikaharris: What is colevas mean from nick colevas?
nickcolevas: it's an anagram
Deepikaharris: Please explain.
nickcolevas: you don't know what an anagram is?
nickcolevas: my, the school system has failed you
nickcolevas: my oh my
Deepikaharris: I just ask you to explain how colevas was an anagram. Sorry. I wasn't being specific enough. Now will you please explain.
nickcolevas: listen buddy. if you're going to yell i can't help you
nickcolevas: i can't tell you about the anagram because it's very personal
nickcolevas: i can tell you the first three letters
nickcolevas: Can't
nickcolevas: Openly
nickcolevas: Love
nickcolevas: EVAS are to be kept with me in my heart of hearts
nickcolevas: is your name an anagram?
nickcolevas: Dont
nickcolevas: Eat
nickcolevas: Evil
nickcolevas: Pears
nickcolevas: In
nickcolevas: Kansas
nickcolevas: Ay?
nickcolevas: that was a good guess i made yes?
Deepikaharris: Thank you for sharing your version of the anagram about your name. You lost me when you intended to direct an anagram towards my name. Sooo Sorrry you have a sick mentality.
nickcolevas: me too
nickcolevas: do you have more questions for me?
nickcolevas: this is a nice chat, friend
Deepikaharris: Okay 27 year old. Bye. Gooood luck. I promise to have a lot of cats.
nickcolevas: hey
nickcolevas: don't go
nickcolevas: sorry i was talking to this girl i know
nickcolevas: she's been bugging me about getting her preggers
nickcolevas: SHE was the one who wanted to have sex, you know?
nickcolevas: the nerve of that fucking cunt
nickcolevas: so hey...
nickcolevas: wanna trade pics?
nickcolevas: don't be such a prude

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