September 18, 2008

where the fuck am i gonna find a fascist now?

A Poet's Lament Or: Where the Fuck am I Gonna Find a Fascist Now?

It's been months since Rudy Giuliani dropped his bid to become next president of the United States...

Oh, Mr. Giuliani!
Who will arrest those filth peddlers?
Who will attempt to shut down publicly funded artistic institutions?
Who will kick the homeless off the streets?
Who will abuse authority?
Who will take credit for shit he had nothing do to with?
Who will profile African-American and Hispanic populations?
Who will let the rich get rich while the poor get to dying?
Oh Rudy! Who will the rich, white people turn to now?

Oh yeah! John McCain. 
Even when he was saying shit like this.
Who is showing little by little he won't hesitate to abuse power.
Who will lie like Pinocchio's life depended on it.
Who will let the rich get richer while the poor get fucked.

It's a Christmas miracle for the Rich, White Man! Thank you, miserable prick.

(I used ThinkProgress links because they provide a number of other links and videos in their articles.)

Here's the trailer for Giuliani Time (available at Netflix). 

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