November 25, 2009

oh, Samcro! what will i do when you go?

I just wanted to put this out there....

Sons of Anarchy is the best show on television (and you jerks know that I devour film and television like I could devour eighteen orders of cheese fries from Checkers). It takes immense talent to make a gang of gun-runners as protagonists, but Kurt Sutter & Co. have managed to do just that. I'm not going to pretend to be knowledgeable about motorcycles* or motorcycle gangs**, but I do know good writing when I see it. And Sons of Anarchy contains supremely quality writing.***


* I do know this: motorcycles have two wheels and they go vroom...VROOOOM! Wheeeeert! Vroom! Vroom! Hey, baby! Wanna ride?! Vroooooooom!

** Although I saw a movie about a mouse and his motorcycle...uhhhhh....gang?!

*** But keep in mind that I friggin' love Golden Girls. So maybe I know more about Rose Nylund's time in St. Olaf than I do about motorcycle gangs.

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