February 19, 2008

this is stupid.

Pardon the following, but I must be "edgy" so as to appeal to the youth of America.

This is a blog. I will try to update it three times a week at least. I will talk about things that I am interested in, which means most people will find this blog pointless. Such is life.

Here: I will divulge my innermost secrets.

Here: I will pontificate on a variety of subjects. No one will read this, so I'm basically talking to myself. You'd think this would deter me. After all, who would spend their free time publishing writings no one will ever read?

Sometimes, when I'm driving alone, I think about swerving off the road and plowing my car into a row of trees. I would go for just one tree, but I think if you're going to kill yourself you might as well do a decent job of it.

I'm sorry. That was a whopping pair of sufficiently depressing thoughts. So I will follow up with this pair of pleasant thoughts: Kittens playing with pink ribbons. Puppies swimming.

I will try not to volley depressing blog posts back and forth to myself, but considering I drink NyQuil for sport and drink Jameson like it's NyQuil, I won't make any promises.

This is stupid.

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