October 25, 2008

a penchant for talking about absolutely nothing

My blog promised me it would behave itself and not act all sappy and romantic today, so lets hope it keeps it's -- ah, shit! Who am I kidding?! It's not my blog's fault. Shame on me for trying to pin the blame on a series of HTML thingamajiggies! Shame on me! I promised myself I wouldn't be all sappy and romantic today. So here goes:

Um...is it weird to have dreams where you fuck cartoons? Because I've had no less than fifty dreams about fucking Homer Simpson in the last month.....

That's right! That's almost two Homer-fucking dreams a night for the last month.

I mean, that's like...that's normal, right? Dreaming about fucking cartoons? That's - that's - that's - um....


P.S. Yes, I am fully aware of my penchant for promising to post blogs I never post. But you know what else I have a penchant for? I have a penchant for using the word penchant when I could really go without using penchant. But you know, when you have a penchant for something why not flaunt that penchant when said penchant can get you tons of penchant - more penchant than a penchant expert could get you in one year of penchant hunting using a penchant hunting machine that is specifically designed to track rogue penchant with the ferocity of a rabid penchant who lost his penchant when he/she was just a small penchant....


P.P.S. Yes. I am fully aware that my postscript is almost as long as the original blog. Eat it.


Well, if you'll excuse me, I have a short story to write.

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