October 14, 2009


This junk is gonna be lighting fast. Ready. Steady. GO!!

UNO! From here on out all of my nerd-centric blogs will be called "Super Duper Cereal," in homage to Al Gore and Manbearpig.

DOS! We Shoot Horses should still be up and running by Halloween. I hope it will be Halloween of this year and not 2012...because that's the year the world ends...except for John Cusack.

TRES! The new American Steel record is teh sex. I don't , quite frankly, know what that friggin means, but my inner cool guy says it's all the rage with the kids these days. I don't quite know how anything but sex can be "teh sex," but what do I know?

CUATRO! I joined the rest of civilization and purchased a Wii. The idea is that the Wii fit will encourage me to exercise more. That is, I plan to use it as something of a supplement to my weight-loss plans. For example: On days I have school I have to leave at 8:00am and I have class (with breaks) until 10:00pm. Then of course comes the dreaded ride home. Therefore, I can't get my Greek ass to the gym. But if I can burn a few calories pretending to Mario playing King Koopa at tennis...well then that can't be bad, can it?

Plus it's way fun.

CINCO! A few pictures of the best kid ever. Undeniably.

Dude. Lookit' them there blue eyes! He's like Henry Fonda! But a baby. He's like a baby Henry Fonda. Except he's not an actor. So he's like a non-acting baby Henry Fonda.

Good Lord....That kid has helped change my life for the better.

SIES! My EMF partners like my film project ideas. So does my professor. So that's cool.

OCHO!! On Tuesday I turned in my Sound & Story treatment. I turned The Pogues' "Sally MacLennane" into a treatment for a short film. I hand it in and my professor goes, "Hey, the Pogues! Nice choice!" That made me feel pretty cool.

NUEVE! The Wizard of Oz came out on Blu-ray....so uh....yeah. I just wet my pants if I am not mistak -- yes, yes...I have. I have wet my pants.

That is all.

P.S. Add

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