February 5, 2010

Wait....WHAT?! Huh?

Let me make one thing absolutely clear.

I was taught at a young age the difference between what it meansto want something and what it meansto need something. For instance, I know I only wanted a Nerf gun when I was eight-years-old (and uh, maybe last week? Maybe?)but I know that I need to drink water to survive.

At this moment in time, I am at work. It's snowing outside and it's probably getting pretty nasty down in Calvert. I should be heading home, but I NEED to post this. Right now! Got it? Are ya with me here, ya bastards?

Okay. Good. Fantastic.

This is a trailer for a movie called Birdemic. Yeah. Birdemic. If you can make it through the first minute then prepare to be amazed by the wonders of modern technology. Fuck you, Avatar!

You're welcome.

And there's this trailer for After Last Season, which is...Well maybe you should just watch it and when your head explodes,  give me a ring. I'll be waiting.

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