May 16, 2009

Oh, Kubrick...

Stanley Kubrick isn't a genius. You can't learn anything from Kubrick that you didn't already know. He didn't invent editing. Or sound. Watch Eisenstein. Or D.W. Griffith. Or any movie made prior to 1970...and you've got the knowledge Stanley Kubrick possessed. But you know what one Mr. Stanley Kubrick did invent? The Auteur Theory.

Oh, that's if you consider that theory to involve plagiarism and bullshit.

Listen: Spartacus sucked. Eyes Wide Shut sucked. A Clockwork Orange was a piece of shit. Barry Lyndon was boring.

"Additional dialogue: Jim Thompson"

Yeah, sure. Fuck you, Kubrick.

I cut this blog short because I believe I need to devote a more extensive blog to the mediocrity that is Stanley Kubrick..


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