January 27, 2009

the newest nagy

I am now the proud godfather of a beautiful baby boy, one Eamonn Nagy. Born at 7:00 P.M., the newest Nagy in 19 inches long and 8 pounds and 3 ounces with a cute little nose.

This day was so incredible. To see two great friends welcome this child into their life was so amazing. I know they say no baby is ugly, but Eamonn is way more handsome than any of the other babies in the world. Father and mother are doing well also. They will both be incredible parents and Eamonn is a very lucky boy.
But for everyone else? This child is truly a gift from God and he's going to have such an amazing life. He didn't make a peep the entire evening; he just looked around, exploring his new world outside of the indoor swimming pool where he had spent the last nine months.

I spent most of the day with Jason, Lauren and Jason's mom. We had a good time, I suppose. There were lots of laughs, even though I can imagine how stressful a situation it was for mommy and daddy. I saw how relieved they were once they saw that they were now the proud parents of a beautiful boy. I know I said this last night, but Eamonn is better looking than any other baby in the world. Ever.

I took off work because of the snow, went down to CSM to buy my books, only to find out it was closed. That's when I went to the hospital. Jason's mom arrived shortly after and the fours of us were hanging around most of the day until about 5:00 when the birthing train really started moving. After Eamonn was born me, Jason's parents and Jason's sister spent what must have been two hours watching the nurses wash, dress and monitor Eamonn, all the while admiring the little guy from afar.
A blessing.

That's all for tonight.

1 comment:

kara said...

congrats to the nagys and nice new border header thingy.