January 6, 2009

i'm not interesting enough for people...


And to think, there were times I thought about not talking to you. Apologies, Blog. Apologies.

So I'm crunching -- uh, whatever-ing -- the numbers, trying to figure out how things could play out if I were to be accepted to the University of Maryland. This is a long way off -- I still have to apply, of cours -- but I'm running down the list of courses I took at Towson and I come across GEOG101-Physical Geography. Believe it or not, this tidbit brings me to a pertinent observation. You are expecting a soliloquy, I'm sure. I can't blame you. I'm known for my neverending nonsense, but for once I shall spare you! I promise: this will be brief.

Im gonna go for an American Studies major (which includes a minor in Literature).

I will always remember needing to study for my Physical Geography exam in the Fall of 2000 and, rather than hunkering down and studying, I chose to watch a marathon of the 60s Batman TV series instead. I passed the test (and the class) but I know I could have done much better...'cept for the nuisance best defined in THWOMPs, POWs and WHAMs*.

Means nothin' to ya, huh? I figured. I'll admit I never ran with the cool crowd. I'll also admit I sometimes  haven't quite understood why I loved the things I loved. It's only been in the last few months that I've had the chance to think about how all of my passions were related.

Popular culture! Popular American Culture! Film, television, journalism, literature, comics, music, politics, celebrity, history -- name the subject and I'll try and tie them together into the tapestry that is American life. I know, right -- who gives a fuck?!


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