February 17, 2011

Peter Travers: Dummy

Peter Travers writes that The Social Network should win the Academy Award for best picture. This is probably because he’s an idiot. Here’s my rundown of the Best Picture nominees.
10 The Kids Are All Right (I didn’t think this flick was any good, btw)
9 The Social Network
8 The King’s Speech
7 127 Hours
6 True Grit
5 Inception
4 Toy Story 3
3 Black Swan
2 The Fighter
1 Winter’s Bone
We all know I’m in the tank for Fincher, right? The Social Network was terrific. I loved it. But of the ten films nominated for Best Picture, it sits at #9 for me. Travers notes that he thinks the film has the year’s best screenplay, direction, cinematography, editing and score.
The score? I’d go for that. But 127 Hours contained the best editing. The best screen play would probably be for The Fighter (Although good, Sorkin’s screenplay is notably flawed due to some factual inconsistensies  - sorry, Lani!). Cinematography? Winter’s Bone, hands down.  Direction? I’d hand that that to The Fighter as well, but only since Debra Granik got snubbed. 
And get this! Traver’s says Bale should win for Best Supporting Actor. Over John Hawkes in Winter’s Bone (my fav) or even Jeremy Renner in The Town? Christian Bale is amazing in The Fighter, but he wasn’t as good as Hawkes or Renner in their respective films. Hell, I even gotta give Mark Ruffalo props; he carried that p.o.s Kids Are All Right.
Oh! And he thinks Annette Benning should win for Best Actress. First of all, Kids Are All RIght is a goddamned ensemble flick; it shouldn’t have any Lead nominees. Secondly, Benning over Portman, Lawrence and Michelle Williams? F*** you, Travers!
Peter Travers doesn’t know a damn thing.
And I just focused all of my pent up rage from the day at some movie critic.

1 comment:

Lani said...

No offense taken--I haven't even seen the film. ;)