This isn’t about illegal immigration. It’s about the blinders some anti-immigration activists wear when discussing Mexicans.
Yeah, I said it. Mexicans. Because I’ve never heard a Minuteman whine about how all those damn Irish Catholics are making job-stealing babies by the minute. I mean come on! If any group in the United States is taking up job space it's the Catholics. 100% FACT: For every illegal immigrant in the United States, there are 85, 568 Catholics who refuse to work. Okay, I made that up. Sue me.
From Yahoo! today: Border activist convicted in deadly home invasionThis woman and her henchmen killed two people. And yet, we have not built a fence around her.
I'd like to take just a few moments to point out one of many differences between so-called Minutemen and other anti-immigration activists.* When an illegal immigrant commits a heinous crime such as murder, anti-immigrant folks rail about how this is why we need better border security, this is why we need a fence! We need to keep these people out! All they bring to this country is crime! And they steal our jobs!
I'll forego, for the time being, the bullshit job-taking, crime-bringing anti-immigrant talk. It's mostly just thinly-veiled racism, but whatever.
There's a stark contrast between folks like me and Minutemen, and we see it in what occurs in situations such as this.
Where is the rage from progressives over this anti-immigrants crime? Why aren't we calling for all Minutemen to be put in jail, or shoved into a small sect of land! Why, Shawna Ford killed those people! And she's an anti-illegal immigrant activist! They must all be like that!
Why is that not happening? Because we progressives - liiibrulz! - are fairly level-headed. We realize that just because three Minuteman commits an awful crime doesn't necessarily mean all of them are equally capable of committing crimes of the same nature.
There are scumbags in the United States. Some of them are illegal immigrants. Some of them are citizens of this country. I think I'll call Tom Tancredo in the morning, just to ask if he's gonna do anything about this shit.
* It's my belief that when you get down to the core of such beliefs it's all just thinly-veiled racism/xenophobia powering it all. So I generally refer to such folks as simply anti-immigration activists.
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