December 23, 2008

pines are fine, but not on soap if you don't mind

First, an oldie. I'm guessing from 2006.

"pines are fine, but not on soap if you don't mind"

Apparently we have pine needle scented soap now. I used it yesterday, and for about an hour afterwards I kept smelling pine needles. The scent was following me everywhere, almost as if it was on me, almost as if I was sweating pine needles. And I didn't know why! I ask, Why do I smell like pine needles? Did someone rub a Christmas tree all over me when I was asleep? Is this some government program to create a human-evergreen hybrid to fight O'Reilly's War on the War On Christmas?

No. None of that. It was just soap. 

And then there's this. Awesome.

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