June 28, 2010

my bucket list

Ever have one of those days where every regret you've ever had seems to come by? Just to punch you in the dick? It's been one of those days. Days like these I look forward to kicking the bucket  - what with me having fucked up so badly in the past few years. So in honor of my eventual demise I present my bucket list - which I wrote, to myself (in google mail) when maybe I should have been working? Meh. Screw it.

my bucket list:
a plastic beach toy bucket
a cement bucket
a drywall bucket
a dywall bucket that i use to store my car washing accessories
just a plain old bucket
a bucket painted like the american flag
a brand new, shiny metal bucket with no dents in it
a metal bucket with dents in it (so the brand new bucket doesn't get too full of himself)
a tiny bucket made for baby squirrels to use
a leaky bucket
a bucket shaped like the stanley cup (but not the stanley cup. that's too big)
things that are buckets (but you don't really think of them as buckets because your mind lives in a box...which is something that is similar to a bucket, but with a lid. and hair and brains):
a swimming pool
an asteroid crater
the letter "u"
the letter "w" (it is a double bucket if you think about it)
a hole you dug in the ground to keep your victims (a dead people bucket!)
a carved out pumpkin
a toilet

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