March 13, 2008

Hangman II

The blog before this had its roots in what follows....

I'll never be good enough to quote Mr. Eisold
If I spoke your name would you know?
Your name in numbers: 5 4 8
You're oblivious.

Keep your fucking thoughts to yourself.

It's easy; the rest don't pretend and they never cared in the first place.

Still, you care for them like a mother for a child
I'm sitting here praying you're okay

And does it matter?

Take your time, goodbye.

I'm gone.


I'd say that's pretty damn good considering I was three sheets to the wind and it was 5am. Ernest Hemingway I ain't, but that's not half bad. If I knew a fucking thing about poetry I might make a decent sixth-rate hack coffee house douche nozzle.

Okay, so maybe I'll just stick to prose.

That's it for tonight. I have a load of other blogs planned, including the one where I talk about the time I screwed Britney Spears on a shit-stained toilet in an Arby's restroom.


Anonymous said...

Hey Nick. You should capitalize Spears. Then you can be the hack douche nozzle whatever. yeah, i nitpick. or would this be, "Nickpick"? See, I used your name in there!!

puddleduck!! said...

There. I fixed it ya fartknocker!